# # This file is part of the mqttDisplayClient distribution (https://github.com/olialb/mqttDisplayClient). # Copyright (c) 2025 Oliver Albold. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # [global] #set server ip adress and port broker={{ broker }} port={{ port }} #set username and password if needed: username={{ username }} password={{ password }} #change display ID 10-0045 to the value which you see in your system: ls /sys/class/backlight: displayID=10-0045 #set root of topic path: topicRoot=kiosk/01 #device name deviceName={{ deviceName }} #delay in seconds to try reconnect to server, if connection is lost: reconnectDelay=5 #cycle time in seconds to publish changes in topics: publishDelay=3 #Every publishcycle*fullPublishCycle will be all topics published even if no data changed: fullPublishCycle=20 #location of the FullPageOS webpage config file defaultUrl=/boot/firmware/fullpageos.txt [logging] #configure the log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) level={{ level }} [feature] #enable display control with pyautogui. Allowed values (enabled/disabled) pyautogui=enabled #feature backlight alows you to control the brigtness off directly connected original raspberry pi displays like Touch Display 2 #Disable this feature if you are not sure if your display support this feature! This avoids errors during startup. backlight=enabled #enable home assitant auto discovery haDiscover= [brightness] min=0 max=31 #shell commands to set and get display brightness set=echo {value} | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/{displayID}/brightness get=cat /sys/class/backlight/{displayID}/brightness [backlight] ON=0 OFF=1 set=sudo echo {value} | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/{displayID}/bl_power get=cat /sys/class/backlight/{displayID}/bl_power [url] command=chromium --kiosk {url} [panels] vplan=https://info.morz.de/infoscreen/index.php video=https://start.morz.de/infoscreenvideo.html clock=https://uhr.ptb.de|wait(1000);click(569,75) sommerferien=https://start.morz.de/sommerferien.html herbstferien=https://start.morz.de/herbstferien.html weihnachtsferien=https://start.morz.de/weihnachtsferien.html fastnachtsferien=https://start.morz.de/fastnachtsferien.html osterferien=https://start.morz.de/osterferien.html pfingstferien=https://start.morz.de/pfingstferien.html [shellCommands] #you can define here commads and the MGTTMessage which can send to the system topic #Format: keyword=shell command shutdown=sudo shutdown now reboot=sudo reboot killall=sudo killall chromium [haDiscover] #device name used in ha discover. You need to adapt it if you have more than one devives in your network deviceName={{ deviceName }} #standard base topic of home assitant discovers. Only need to be changed base=homeassistant